31 May

Scroll to the bottom for thoughts/discussion questions!

One-sentence summary: The story of the ark's return is retold, Michal chastises David for his unashamed worship, and David wants to build a house for the Lord, who promises to establish his kingdom forever and says that his son will build it.

David brings up the ark of "the Lord of hosts, who dwells between the cherubim." This is the same story given in the previous blog of how David and the worshipers rejoiced before the Lord, and one of the men touch the ark and are killed by Him. David finds out that Obed-Edom's house has been blessed, so he brings the ark to the city of David with gladness and "[dances] before the Lord with all his might." Michal sees him leaping and whirling before the Lord through a window and despises him in her heart. They set the ark in the place David has prepared, and he makes offerings and blesses the people and gives them food, and then all depart. David goes to bless his household, and Michal comes out to meet him. She says sarcastically, "How glorious was the king of Israel today? Uncovering himself in the eyes of the maids of his servants as one of the base fellows shamelessly uncovers himself?" David says it was in front of the Lord who chose him over her father, and he says he will become "even more undignified than this" and will play music before the Lord and be humble in his own sight, and that the maidservants will honor him. So Michal has no children all her life. 

When David is in his house and the Lord has given him rest, he tells Nathan the prophet that he is dwelling in a house of cedar, but the Lord dwells in a tent, so Nathan tells him to do all in his heart. That night, however, the Lord speaks to Nathan and says to tell David "Would you build me a house to dwell in?" He says He has always dwelt in a tent and never commanded Israel to build Him a house of cedar. So He tells Nathan to tell David that he took him from tending sheep to rule Israel and has been with him and defeated all his enemies and made his name great, and that He will appoint a place for Israel and plant them in a place of their own so they will not move any more or be oppressed. He says He will make David a house by setting up his Seed after him and establishing his kingdom, and David's son will build a house for God's name, and His throne will be established forever. "I will be his father, and he will be my son." So Nathan tells David all the Lord has said. Then, David goes to sit before the Lord and asks, "Who am I.. that You have brought me thus far? And yet, this is a small thing in your sight, oh Lord God." He says, "You, oh, God, know Your servant," and He praises God. He asks the Lord to establish His word forever and let His name be magnified forever. 

The story about David and Nathan and the house of the Lord is repeated in both books.

Thoughts/discussion questions:

Ridiculing and looking down on someone with a pure heart is a big thing in the sight of God.

Of course, the Lord is referring to the Messiah when He speaks of David's Son and Seed, although Solomon his son also does build the Lord a house.

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