04 Jun

Scroll to the bottom for thoughts/discussion questions!

One-sentence summary: A song of David is recorded, along with David's mighty men and their exploits.

A song of David is recorded that he sang on the day the Lord delivered him from Saul and his enemies. There are so many beautiful lines, and I will list some: "The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, the God of my strength in whom I will trust, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior... I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised. So shall I be saved from my enemies." It also speaks of God coming to His aid and of His deliverance. He says the Lord brought him out into a broad place and delivered him because He delighted in him. He says the Lord is his lamp and that He will enlighten his darkness. "By my God, I can leap over a wall." "The Lord is a shield to all who trust in Him. For who is God except the Lord, and who is a rock except our God?" "He makes my feet like the feet of deer and sets me on high places. He teaches my hands to make war so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze." "Your gentleness has made me great. You enlarged my path under me so that my feet did not slip." His enemies are defeated because God has "armed [him] with strength for the battle." "The Lord lives! Blessed be my rock! May the God of my salvation be exalted!"

The last words of David, who refers to himself as the sweet psalmist of Israel, are recorded. He says the Lord's word has been on his tongue and the rock of Israel spoke to him, that whoever rules men must be just and have the fear of God. He will be like the light of morning when the sun rises without clouds, like the grass springing from the earth after the rain. He says the Lord has made an everlasting covenant with Him, although his house has faced adversity, because that is "all [his] salvation and all [his] desire." David's mighty men and their exploits are recorded. The story of the three men who brought David water from the well of Bethlehem is told again.

Thoughts/discussion questions:

Such a beautiful song of David! He really loves the Lord! We can use his words to sing to the Lord and as a sword to fight the enemy today!

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