20 Jun

Scroll to the bottom for thoughts/discussion questions!

One-sentence summary: The Lord stirs up Israel to go to war against Syria so that Ahab can be killed; Jehoshaphat fights alongside Ahab but is protected from the Lord, Ahab has a prophet put in prison, but then he dies in battle. 

There are three years without war between Israel and Syria. Then, the king of Judah, Jehoshaphat, goes down to visit the king of Israel. The king of Israel tells his servants that Ramah of Gilead belongs to them, but they are hesitant to take it from Syria, so he asks if Judah will help, and he basically says of course. Judah answers him to inquire for the word of the Lord, so the king gathers the prophets, about 400 men, asking if Israel should fight, and they all say to go, because the Lord will deliver them. Jehoshaphat asks if there is still a prophet of the Lord there that they may inquire of, and the king says Micaiah, but he hates him, because he only prophesies evil concerning him, but Jehoshaphat admonishes him not to say such things. Then, Ahab calls an officer to bring the prophet, and both kings sit with their robes on on their thrones at a threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Samaria, and all the prophets prophesy before them. Zedekiah had made horns of iron for himself, and he says that the Lord says they will gore the Syrians with them until they are destroyed, and they all agree, saying Israel will prosper. Then, the messenger speaks to Micaiah, and says that all the prophets are encouraging the king, and that may his word be the same. However, Micaiah says he will say only what the Lord says to him. He comes to the king, and the kings asks if they should go, and he says to go and prosper, for God will deliver it to him. The king asks him to swear to tell only the truth, and then, he says he saw all Israel scattered on the mountains as sheep without a shepherd, and the Lord says they have no master and for each to return to his house in peace. At this, Ahab responds that he knew he would speak only evil. Micaiah tells him to hear the word of the Lord. He says he saw the Lord sitting on His throne with his host about him, asking who may persuade Ahab to go up to Gilead that he may fall. He says a spirit came before the Lord and said he will persuade him as a lying spirit in all his prophets, and that the Lord agreed. So Micaiah says it is so. Zedekiah strikes him on the cheek, asking where the spirit went from him to speak to him. He tells him he will see it when he goes to an inner chamber to hide. So Ahab commands Micaiah to be given to the governor and put in prison. He says if he ever appears before him in peace, the Lord has not spoken it by him, and he tells the people to take heed. So Israel and Judah go up to Gilead, and Ahab says he will disguise himself, but for Jehoshaphat to put on his robes. The king of Syria commands his men to fight only with the king of Israel. The captains see Jehoshaphat and think it is the king, and they fight against him, but he cries out to the Lord, and the captains realize it is not Israel, so they turn back. A certain man draws a bow and strikes Ahab between the joints of his arm, so he tells the chariot driver to take him from the battle. He is propped up in his chariot and dies around sunset, and the blood runs to the ground. As the sun goes down, there is a shout for all to return. Ahab is buried in Samaria. Someone washes the chariot at a pool there, and the dogs lick up his blood as the prostitutes are bathing, according to the word of the Lord said. Ahaziah his son reigns in his place. Jehoshaphat reigns 25 years in Jerusalem. He walks in God's ways, but still allows the high places, and he makes peace with Ahab. There is no king in Edom. Ahaziah says to Jehoshaphat to let their servants go together in ships, but he refuses. Jehoshaphat dies and is buried in the city of David. Then, Jehoram his son reigns in his place. In his 17th year, Ahab's son becomes king of Israel for two years, but he does evil like his father and serves Baal. 

In Chronicles, it says that Jehoshaphat had riches and honor in abundance and by marriage aligned himself with Ahab. The same story is retold of the war with Syria and Ahab's death. 

Thoughts/discussion questions:

Jehoshaphat doesn't listen to the word of the Lord. You can be godly and still have significant blind spots.

God can and does use the devil for His own purposes; nothing can thwart Him. 

Stay humble, and God will fight for you!

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