21 Jun

Scroll to the bottom for thoughts/discussion questions!

One-sentence summary: The prophet Obadiah prophesies of Edom's destruction but promises a Savior.

Obadiah receives a vision of what God says concerning Edom. They have heard a report from a messenger among the nations saying to rise against her in battle The Lord will make her small among the nations, and she will be hated. The pride of her heart has deceived her, he says, because she has said in her heart, "Who will bring me down to the ground?" But the Lord will bring her down. She will be cut off. He says Esau will be searched out, and his hidden treasures sought after. The men at peace with her will deceive her and prevail against her, and those who eat bread with her will set a trap. The Lord will destroy the wise men from Edom and the mountains of Esau, and their mighty men will be dismayed. All their mighty men will be slaughtered, because of the violence against Jacob, and they will be cut off forever. This is because they gazed on their brother in the day of captivity (casting lots for Jerusalem) and rejoiced over Judah when they were destroyed. They spoke proudly in the day of distress and gazed on their affliction. They tried to cut them off and delivered those who remained in the day of distress. He says the day of the Lord on all the nations is near, and what they have done will be done to them. They drank on God's holy mountain, and all the nations will drink and swallow as though they had never been. But on Mt. Zion, there will be holiness. The house of Jacob will own their possession, they will be a fire and a flame; however, Esau will be stubborn, and there will be no survivors, for the Lord has spoken. The fields of Ephraim and Samaria will be possessed. Benjamin will possess Gilead. And a Savior will come to Mt. Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom will be the Lord's.

Thoughts/discussion questions:

The day of the Lord: this has been a concept in the mind of the Jews since ancient times. What does it mean to you?

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