09 Jul

Scroll to the bottom for thoughts/discussion questions!

One-sentence summary: The Lord defeats the king of Assyria in his pride; Hezekiah is dying but prays to the Lord, Who prolongs his life; and Hezekiah is told his descendants will be carried away to Babylon.

The end of King Hezekiah's confrontation with the king of Assyria is repeated. Hezekiah his clothes upon hearing the words of the king's representatives. He covers himself in sackcloth and goes into the house of the Lord. Then, he sends some of his men to Isaiah the prophet, telling him that it is a day of trouble and blasphemy and that perhaps the Lord will rebuke the king of Assyria's words; they ask him to pray to the Lord, so Isaiah sends back the message for the king not to fear the words he has heard (of blasphemy of God.) The Lord says He will send a spirit and cause the king to hear a rumor, and that he will return to his own land and fall by the sword. The king of Assyria sends messengers to the king, telling him not to let His God deceive him, and that no other god has ever delivered any other nation from his hands. Hezekiah takes the letter to the house of the Lord and spreads it out before Him and prays. He asks the Lord to hear Him and the blasphemous words the king has spoken. He asks the Lord to deliver them that all nations may know He alone is God. Then, Isaiah sends to the king and tells him that the Lord says that because he has prayed against the king, the Lord has a word against the king of Assyria. The Lord says, "The virgin, the daughter of Zion, has "laughed [him] to scorn" behind his back, and that he himself has been full of pride by trusting in chariots; the Lord knows his rage against Him, so He will "put his hook in his nose" and turn him back by the way which he came. He says that the remnant that escapes from Judah will bear fruit, that "the zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this." He says the king of Assyria will not come into the city but will return the way he came. The Lord will save the city for His own sake and for His servant David's sake. Then, the Angel of the Lord goes out and kills 185,000 men in the camp of the Assyrians. When the people arise early in the morning, they see the dead bodies. Then, the king departs and goes home and remains at Ninevah. As he is worshiping in the house of his god, his sons strike him with the sword and flee, and one of them reigns in his place.

Hezekiah is sick and near death, and Isaiah comes to him and tells him that the Lord says to set his house in order because he will die and not live. Hezekiah turns his face toward the wall and prays to the Lord and asks Him to remember how he walked before him "in truth and with a loyal heart," and how he did what was good in God's sight, and he "[weeps] bitterly." Then, the word of the Lord comes to Isaiah, and He says He has heard his prayer and seen his tears and that surely He will add 15 years to his life- also defend his city from the king of Assyria. He says the sign will be that He will bring the shadow on the sundial ten degrees backward. Hezekiah writes of his experience, how he was convinced he would die, but how he cried out to the Lord, and the Lord heard him. He declares how he will "walk carefully all [his] years in the bitterness of [his] soul." He says, "You will restore me and make me live," and "Indeed, it was for my own peace that I had bitterness, but You have lovingly delivered my soul from the pit of corruption, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back." He praises God and says that he will make known the Lord to the children and worship Him in His house all the days of his life. Isaiah tells him to take a lump of figs and apply it to his boil and that he will recover. Hezekiah asks for a sign that he can go up to the house of the Lord.

The king of Babylon sends letters and a present to Hezekiah, because he hears he had been sick and has recovered, and Hezekiah is pleased and shows them his treasures. Then, Isaiah goes to him and inquires about the men and about what they have seen in his house, and he answers truthfully. Isaiah says the days are coming when all that is in his house will be carried away to Babylon, along with some of his sons, that they will be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Bablyon. Hezekiah shockingly replies that the word he has spoken is good, because "at least there will be peace and truth in my days."

 Thoughts/discussion questions:

Whenever anyone turns to the Lord in truth, He hears them and shows mercy. Let us trust in His unfailing love.

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