07 Sep

Scroll to the bottom for thoughts/discussion questions!

One-sentence summary: The Lord declares the destruction of Amon, Edom, Elam, Babylon, and Chaldea- all those who have oppressed and taken captive His people without mercy.

The Lord speaks against the Ammonites. He asks if Israel has no sons or heirs, and if they have, then why have they dwelt in their cities. Therefore, war will be heard in their villages, which will be burned with fire, and Israel will take possession of their inheritance. They boast and have trusted in their treasures. The Lord will bring fear upon them, and they will be driven out by all those around them. Afterward, however, He will bring back their captives. He also speaks against Edom, asking if counsel has left the wise. The Lord will bring "the calamity of Esau" upon him. They will become a wasteland, and they will be despised among men. The pride of their heart has deceived them. Though they "make [their] nests in heaven," the Lord will bring them down. It will be just like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah. Babylon will strike them, and they will be plundered and devastated.

The Lord also speaks against Elam. He says He will bring the four winds from the four corners of heaven and scatter them to all the nations. He will consume them with the sword and set His throne there. However, in the latter days, He will bring back the captives of Elam.

The word of the Lord comes to Jeremiah against Babylon and the Chaldeans as well. They will be broken and ashamed, and their idols will be broken in pieces. A nation from the north will come up against them. At that time, the children of Israel and Judah will come with continual weeping and seek the Lord, asking the way to Zion. They will seek an everlasting covenant with Him. The Lord says their own shepherds have led them astray, and they have forgotten their resting place. All who found them have devoured them, and their adversaries claimed it was right to do so since they sinned against the Lord. Therefore, the Lord will raise an assembly of great nations from the north against Babylon, and she will be captured. The Chaldeans will be plundered, because they rejoiced at the destruction of the Lord's heritage. Even their "mother" will be ashamed of them. They will be completely desolate. The foundations of Babylon will fall at the vengeance of the Lord. It will be done to her as she has done to others, and everyone will flee to their own land. The Lord says Israel is like scattered sheep whom the lions have driven away. First, it was Assyria, and then at the last, Nebuchadnezzar. Therefore, the Lord says He will punish the king of Babylon and his land as He did Assyria. However, He will bring back Israel, and "his soul will be satisfied." The iniquity of Israel and Judah no longer be found. They have been oppressed by those who took them captive and refused to let them go, but "their Redeemer is strong. The Lord of Hosts is His name. He will thoroughly plead their case." The land of Babylon will be overthrown forever. The Lord asks if there is any shepherd who can withstand Him. 

Thoughts/discussion questions:

The Lord will always fight for the cause of His people when the return to Him, even if they have sinned in the past.

Present-day Babylon (all worldly powers that oppose God) will be overthrown when Christ returns. 

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