16 Sep

Scroll to the bottom for thoughts/discussion questions!

One-sentence summary: The Lord gives Ezekiel rules for the sanctuary and shows him a river of life flowing out of it.

The Lord continues to give Ezekiel rules for the sanctuary and how to enter it. He also gives rules for worship and making offerings and sacrifices. He gives the prince of Israel more rules for the giving of his inheritance and says he must not take from the people, and He also shows Ezekiel where the priests are to prepare the offerings. 

Then, the Man (the Lord) brings Ezekiel back to the door of the temple, and he sees water flowing from the threshold of the temple toward the east. He goes out through the north gate to the outer gateway that faces east, and he sees water running out. When the Man goes out to the east, he measures, and he brings Ezekiel through the waters. At first, it comes up to his ankles. Then, it comes up to his knees, and then to his waist, and finally, it is a river that he cannot cross, because it is too deep. The Man says to him, "Son of man, have you seen this?" Then, he brings him to the bank of the river. Ezekiel sees many trees on each side, and the Lord tells him that the river flows east and reaches the valley and the sea, and when it reaches the sea, "its waters are healed." He says every living thing in the river will live. Along the banks grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail; they will bear fruit every month. Their fruit will be food and their leaves medicine. The Lord gives directions for the borders of the land for the tribes of Israel. He says that strangers who choose to dwell with Israel can become a part of the tribes.

The Lord gives Ezekiel directions for the holy district and its borders. He says the sanctuary will be in the center. The gates of the city are to be named after the 12 tribes of Israel, with three gates on each side. The Lord says the name of the city will be The Lord is There.

Thoughts/discussion questions:

Jesus said that rivers of living water would flow out of the one who believes in Him; we who believe are God's sanctuary, His dwelling place, and out of us flows the true Life.

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