21 Sep

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One-sentence summary: The word of the Lord comes through Haggai the prophet, and He tells the people to continue the work of rebuilding His house; He tells them to be strong and not to fear and also speaks of a coming time when He will shake the heavens and the earth.

In the second year of King Darius, the word of the Lord comes through Haggai the prophet to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, and Jeshua, the high priest. The Lord says that the people are saying the time has not come for the Lord's house to be rebuilt. He asks if it is the right time for them to dwell in their paneled houses while His temple lies in ruins. The Lord tells them to consider, therefore, their ways. They have sown much but bring in little. They eat but do not have enough, drink and are not filled, are clothed but not warm. The one who earns wages puts it into "a bag with holes." The Lord tells them to go to the mountains and bring wood for the temple so that He may enjoy it and be glorified. He says He has not allowed them to prosper because His house has been in ruins while they are living in  homes. For this reason, He called for a drought on the mountains, on the grain, new wine, and oil, and whatever the ground brings forth, on men and livestock and on all their labor. The heavens have withheld dew and the earth, its fruit. Then, Zerubbabel and Jeshua and all the people obey the voice of the Lord and Haggai. "And the people [fear] the presence of the Lord." The Lord also tells them He is with them. He stirs up Zerubbabel and Jeshua's spirit and all the remnant, and they begin working on the house of the Lord that same year.

The word of the Lord through to Haggai again to Zerubbabel and Jeshua and to the remnant. The Lord asks who is left who saw the temple in its former glory, and to see now how it compares. He says it may look as if it is nothing compared to its former glory. Yet, He tells them all to be strong and work, because He is with them, according to His covenant, and He tells them not to fear. "It is a little while. I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land, and I will shake all nations, and they will come to the Desire of all Nations. And I will fill this temple with glory. The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine. The glory of this latter temple will be greater than the former, and in this place, I will give peace." The word of the Lord comes again through Haggai, and the Lord says to ask the priests about the law. He asks if a priest is carrying a holy offering and touches something, if it will become holy, and they answer it will not. Then, he asks if an unclean person touches something, if it will then be unclean, and they answer yes. So the Lord says the people and nation are unclean before Him along with the work of their hands. The Lord tells them to consider. The Lord says in the past when He struck them, they still did not turn to Him. He says the fruit still has not blossomed for this reason, but that from this day forth, He will bless them. Again, the word of the Lord comes through Haggai to Zerubbabel. The Lord says He will shake heaven an earth and overthrow the thrown of kingdoms og the Gentiles and their strength. He says in that day, He will take Zerubbabel and make him like a signet ring, because He has chosen him.

Thoughts/discussion questions:

Jesus is the Desire of the Nations, whether they realize it or not. He is the perfect Love that everyone is seeking.

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